I design websites. Users are comfortable using my sites, so they trust the products I present. Creativity and functionality.

Hi! My name is Artem. I am a web designer

There are always rules in good design. And some of them do not follow the generally accepted ones. This is the only way a design can be {interesting} while remaining {harmonious}. At the same time, a good design should be {understandable} so that people can comprehend it. And also {memorable}, so that the come back to the product again and again.

what should be a good design?

There are always rules in good design. And some of them do not follow the generally accepted ones. This is the only way a design can be {interesting} while remaining {harmonious}. At the same time, a good design should be {understandable} so that people can comprehend it. And also {memorable}, so that the come back to the product again and again.

Studying the issue

We will discuss the project in a chat or during a call. I will clarify all the details and look at the current materials. We will decide on the terms and cost of my work.

Conducting research

I will delve into the essence of your brand and understand its advantages. I will study the target audience, write down the pros and cons of solutions from competitors. Everything to create a product that will be most user-friendly.

Finding an idea

I will select references: photos, posters and other sites. They are needed to understand what the visual solution will be. We will select the best ones, and then I will create the design of the first two screens. We will discuss them in detail.

Preparation of the design

Based on the selected visual rules, I will create a complete prototype in Figma, as well as think through the animation. We will finally approve everything, and if you want to change something, I will fix it. If the layout is then sent to the developers, I will design a UI kit and describe the requirements.

Building on Tilda

I am implementing a website on Tilda. This is a website builder where there is practically no need to write code. This way the project turns out faster and cheaper — you will not need to contact programmers.

Here you can create a landing page, an online store, a multi-page website or a blog. If you want to create your own social network or forum, this method will not work: specify whether I can perform a specific task.

Adding a modifications

I'll connect the forms to CRM, set up a payment system, link the domain and set up basic SEO. I'll find the right code to expand the site's capabilities, or I'll write my own in JavaScript.
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crayfos? i’m crazy for us = cray fo s

I'm crazy for us. This phrase is a translation of the abbreviation "crayfos". It's about feeling inspired by each other. By uniting, we are able to change the world.
{People are the main value}
as known as tyoma crayfos

Artem Gusev

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